Check out my blog! You will find great up to date news and information about anything and everything. :)
May 29, 2012
linner notes of my life
Hey, my name is Maddi. I am 15 year old ninth grader. I have had an interesting life and these are some of my life events from kindergarten to a couple months ago to what I want in the future. Enjoy!
May 20, 2012
Ok so I just love quotes. I will sometimes, if I have the time, just go onto my iPod and look up fun quotes. They can be funny, inspirational, or random. Just anything that makes me smile. I will spend countless hours looking up them. Then I had to do a ten hour project for my church to get my Young Women Medallion, so I did a book of quotes.
These are some of the many quotes that filled up almost a whole entire book.
§ The more you learn, the more you know. The more you know, the more you forget. The more you forget the less you know. So… why learn?
§ Our eyes are placed in front because it’s more important to look ahead than to look back.
§ If you don’t make mistakes, you aren’t really trying.
§ Be happy for this moment, this moment is your life.
§ Be strong now because things will get better. It might be stormy now but it can’t rain forever.
§ Laugh your heart out. Dance in the rain. Cherish the moment, ignore the pain. Live, laugh, love. Forgive and forget. Life is to shore to be living with regret.
§ Life
Own it
Live it.
Like you mean it
§ The only failure is when you say “I give up.”
§ I’m a lover not a fighter. But I’ll fight for what I love.
§ Haters never die, they just multiply
§ Strength is nothing more than how well you hide the pain.
§ Sometimes all you can do is laugh to keep yourself from crying.
§ When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry. Show life that you have a thousand reasons to smile.
§ Believe in yourself and others will follow.
§ Never regret something that once made you smile!
§ Stand up for what is right. Even if you’re standing alone.
§ IN the end it’s not going to matter how many breaths you took, but how many moments took your breath away.
§ It’s not who you are that holds you back, it’s who you think you are not.
§ What’s meant to be… will always find its way.
§ Move on. It’s just a chapter in the past. But don’t close the book. Just turn to page.
§ The only people you need in your life are the ones that need you in theirs.
§ Don’t tell me the sky is the limit. When there are foot prints on the moon.
§ Life is worth living right.
§ A person often meets his destiny on the road he took to avoid it.
§ When your mind says give up hope whispers one more try.
§ You are not fully dressed until you wear a smile.
§ Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow.
I look at these quotes and I laugh or get motivated to keep going on. I will always have this book with me throughout my life.
May 15, 2012
short vs. tall
Short people got no reason
Short people got no reason
Short people got no reason to live.
They got little hands,
Little eyes,
They walk around tellin' great big lies.
They got little noses,
Tiny little teeth,
They wear platform shoes
On their nasty little feet.
Well I don't want no short people
Don't want no short people
Don't want no short people 'round here.
(Short people are just the same as you and I.)
A fool such as I.
(All men are brothers until the day they die.)
It's a wonderful world.
Short people got nobody
Short people got nobody
Short people got nobody to love
They got little baby legs
They stand so low
You got to pick 'em up
Just to say hello.
They got little cars
That go beep beep beep.
They got little voices
Goin' peep peep peep.
They got grubby little fingers
And dirty little minds.
They're gonna get you
Every time.
Well I don't want no short people
Don't want no short people
Don't want no short people 'round here.
Tall People
Tall people got no reason
Tall people just ain't God pleasin'
Tall people got no reason to live.
They got giant heads,
And billboard faces,
Elephant teeth
With great big spaces,
Hockey stick legs
Without any hair.
They got skinny little butts
Hangin' in the air.
I don't want no tall people,
No basketball people.
Hooray for short people down here.
Tall people ain't never got no place to sit.
Ain't got a pot.
Their knobby knees squeak and creak a lot.
It's a shoemaker world.
Tall people got nobody
'Cause tall people are all body
Tall people got nobody to love.
They got one big girl
They pass around.
They sit and mope
When she's out of town.
They got king sized beds
With oversized sheets.
Canoe sized shoes
On both their feet.
They got King Kong arms
They drag around.
Their knuckles are sore
From scrapin' the ground.
I don't want no tall people,
No basketball people.
Hooray for short people down here
I just have to tell you how much I just love this song. Every time I hear it, it makes me laugh. My dad first showed me this song about a year or so ago and it has made me smile since then. Last year in theater 2 friends and I got together and lip synced it. It was so much fun. We didn’t get a very good grade but we had fun. The reason we didn’t get a good grade was because the teacher didn’t like me… oh well I can’t please everyone.
May 2, 2012
Running :)
I love running. I just can’t tell you how much I love to run. I am currently on the Fairfield Track Team and I am also currently training for a half marathon. I have been on the Fairfield Track Team for 3 years; this is my third year. When I was in 7th grade I ran the 4 by 4, the 100m, and the 200m dash. The 4 by 4 is when you have four people on a relay team and each person runs a four hundred. The 200m and the 100m are exactly what it sounds like. Then when I was in 8th grade I hurt my knee so I was only able to do the long jump. I probably should have just have been out for the season but I was too stubborn. So I think I made it worse that year. Now that I am in 9th grade I am only running the 100m and jumping the long jump. I am one of the fastest in the 100m and I am the 2nd longest jumper in the long jump. My knee is still hurting but I have a brace now so it is not bugging me as much.
So one day Cambree Dotson came to me and asked if I wanted to run a half marathon with her. I was hesitant at first because I am not a distance runner. However, she convinced me to run it with her so now I am training for it. I started training on March 30, 2012 with a 3 mile run. We were only supposed to run 2 miles but we wanted to get a courtesy cone from Artic Circle. So we ended up running an extra mile to get our ice cream cone.
Since I have been running at track and training for the half marathon I have been really tired. I have been trying to eat better, but it has not been going well. I am a really picky eater so it is hard for me to eat healthy foods. I had an earlier post about how much I just hate almost all meat… I think you know where this is going. When you are exercising you want to eat protein to help your body to keep up with exercising. So I don’t know how this is going to go with eating meat. So on my way to school this morning my dad was talking to me about how much I need to eat healthy. I don’t know how I am going to survive this summer… oh well I guess. At least I get to have fun running. :)
April 22, 2012
Walk Two Moons and To Kill a Mockingbird are two really good book. Between these two books they hold many similarities and differences. For instance they are both told in first person and they are both told by girls. These are just two of the similarities that they hold. Walk Two Moons is told by a girl that is about 11 years old and To Kill a Mockingbird is told by a much younger girl about the age of 6. Those were some various differences among these two books.
Scout is the narrator in To Kill a Mockingbird and Sal is the narrator in Walk Two Moons. Scout and Sal are both adventurous. Sal goes with her grandparents on a road trip across the country and meets a new friend, Phoebe. While Scout deals with growing up and hanging out with her brother and Dill. “He said it began the summer Dill came to us, when Dill first gave us the idea of making Boo Radley come out.”- To Kill a Mockingbird- Scout. “… My grandparents came up with a plan to drive from Kentucky to Ohio…”-Walk Two Moons-Sal.
Scout, in To Kill a Mockingbird, shares what she sees and hears not always understanding what she is reporting on. When her dad, Atticus, is defending a client, Tom Robinson, She doesn’t fully understand what the trial is for and the meaning of what all is happening. “This was as much as I heard of Mr. Gilmer's cross-examination, because Jem made me take Dill out. For some reason Dill had started crying and couldn't stop;” Dill later tells that he didn’t like the way Tom was being treated and that is why he was crying. Anyways, Sal in Walk Two Moons she is a little older and has a better grasp on life. When Phoebe’s mom disappears Sal doesn’t think that a lunatic took her like Phoebe does. ‘Phoebe said to me, “If I see the lunatic once more, I’ll phone the police myself.” Sal doesn’t think that the lunatic took her mother, but Phoebe does.
These two narrators describe things in great detail. For instance, “Maycomb was a tired old town, even in 1932 when I first knew it. Somehow, it was hotter then. Men's stiff collars wilted by nine in the morning; ladies bathed before noon, after their 3 o'clock naps, and by nightfall were like soft teacakes with frosting from sweating and sweet talcum. The day was twenty-four hours long, but it seemed longer.” This quote is from To Kill a Mockingbird. “The waves splashed up on our clothes, and the sea gull flew in circles overhead, calling in one great chorus, as if they were glad to see us.” This quote is from Walk Two Moons. Both of these quotes show how much detail Sal and Scout use.
These two books have a lot in common and a lot of differences. I have enjoyed reading the books. They took me on different many adventures.
Scout is the narrator in To Kill a Mockingbird and Sal is the narrator in Walk Two Moons. Scout and Sal are both adventurous. Sal goes with her grandparents on a road trip across the country and meets a new friend, Phoebe. While Scout deals with growing up and hanging out with her brother and Dill. “He said it began the summer Dill came to us, when Dill first gave us the idea of making Boo Radley come out.”- To Kill a Mockingbird- Scout. “… My grandparents came up with a plan to drive from Kentucky to Ohio…”-Walk Two Moons-Sal.
Scout, in To Kill a Mockingbird, shares what she sees and hears not always understanding what she is reporting on. When her dad, Atticus, is defending a client, Tom Robinson, She doesn’t fully understand what the trial is for and the meaning of what all is happening. “This was as much as I heard of Mr. Gilmer's cross-examination, because Jem made me take Dill out. For some reason Dill had started crying and couldn't stop;” Dill later tells that he didn’t like the way Tom was being treated and that is why he was crying. Anyways, Sal in Walk Two Moons she is a little older and has a better grasp on life. When Phoebe’s mom disappears Sal doesn’t think that a lunatic took her like Phoebe does. ‘Phoebe said to me, “If I see the lunatic once more, I’ll phone the police myself.” Sal doesn’t think that the lunatic took her mother, but Phoebe does.
These two narrators describe things in great detail. For instance, “Maycomb was a tired old town, even in 1932 when I first knew it. Somehow, it was hotter then. Men's stiff collars wilted by nine in the morning; ladies bathed before noon, after their 3 o'clock naps, and by nightfall were like soft teacakes with frosting from sweating and sweet talcum. The day was twenty-four hours long, but it seemed longer.” This quote is from To Kill a Mockingbird. “The waves splashed up on our clothes, and the sea gull flew in circles overhead, calling in one great chorus, as if they were glad to see us.” This quote is from Walk Two Moons. Both of these quotes show how much detail Sal and Scout use.
These two books have a lot in common and a lot of differences. I have enjoyed reading the books. They took me on different many adventures.
sissy's blogs
I have been fallowing my sister’s
blog. These are the summaries of some posts that she has.
She has been having really strong dreams lately. One dream
is about her getting married. She can’t see her husbands face and she can’t
remember all the details but she just remembers having really strong feelings
about this man. Her other dream is about having a baby. She was handed a bundle
of blankets in the hospital and she realized it was her son. But she is a
single mother in college. She had to make a decision on weather or not to keep
him or give him up for adoption. In the end she chooses adoption.
She lists a lot of memories that she has had, from childhood
to now. For example some of the memories on the list are: dancing in the rain,
skipping Spanish class to go to the mall, lying awake at night thinking of him,
meeting Jon Schmidt, childhood play dates and many more.
She tells a story about when she was at work a little girl
about 8 years old and she had this nice, sleek cell phone with a touch screen.
She says that a little 8 year old does not need a cell phone that nice or even
a cell phone at all. Then she goes on and talks about all the advances in
technology over the past 20 or so years and how it’s really amazing.
Never grow up
She talks about how much she likes ‘Never Grow Up’ by Taylor
Swift and what the lyrics mean to her. Then she put the songs lyrics on there
for everyone to read.
Reasons to hate working in fast food
She used to work at a fast food restaurant. So she gives a
list on why you should hate working at a fast food restaurant. These are some
of her reasons: working until 1:30 am, getting a 2nd degree burn on one of the
many hot appliances and being surround in fatty grease. Then she tells about
how happy that she got a new job and not having to work there anymore.
An Update on Everything
She started playing the guitar and she is teaching herself.
She is trying to learn Teardrops on My Guitar and You Belong With Me by Taylor Swift.
She is glad that she can have music in her life now. She is also trying to
figure out where she is going to college over the summer, either at Utah State
or Weber. She doesn’t know where yet but she wants to get done with schooling
as soon as possible so she can move to Seattle ,
Washington .
April 6, 2012
Muslims vs. Christains
The sickness, disease, and death of the Plague have all been witnessed by many people. The Black Death devastated the Middle East and Europe around the mid 1300’s. There are three different kinds of the Black Death. They were the bubonic, pneumonic, and septicemic; and they were deadly to all those who got it. Some of the symptoms of these plagues were buboes, infection of the respiratory system, chills, high fever, delirium, vomiting, and fast heartbeat (background essay). This pandemic affected both Muslims and Christians. Although the plagues affected both Muslims and Christians, the two religions reacted differently.
In the Middle East the plague devastated many. In document 4, it states that when the Muslims were infected with the Black Death they thought that it was a gift and a blessing from god and that they should accept the gift. They were preached to and taught that it was a test from god and that if they endure it well then they will be blessed and exalted in heaven. The Muslims at first wanted some reasoning of why the plague was upon them. So they started to come up with ideas and explanations concerning the Black Death. In document 5, the author Michael Dols and Philip Ziegler, made a lists of such things. The Muslims thought that warm ovens, too many shooting stars, and sin could all be causes of the pandemic. Because of the plague, the Muslims fasted for three consecutive days. They all meet in the Great mosque and then spent a night there praying (document 9). The Muslims had a lot to deal with, however so did the Christians.
The plague also devastated the Europeans. In document three, it says that there were so many people dying all around them that they didn’t have enough time and people to give the deceased a proper burial. In result of this they had to dig a huge ditch and throw the dead into these ditches. Then when the ditch was filled with corpses they put dirt over them and called it good. In Document 2, it shows how much of a certain group died. The percent of monks and priests that died were 44%. That is almost half of them that died. The cause of this is because the Christians wanted the priests to give the dead their death rights. Because of this they were around the sick a lot so most of them got sick also and died. Then as for the monks, if one of them got sick they were all at risk. Monks live in monasteries where they are in close quarters with the rest of the monks, so you had a great chance of getting sick. The Christians in Europe also got scared and desperate; Document 5 it proves this statement. Michael Dols, the author, writes about some of the causes and preventions that they came up with. The Christians thought that excessive clothing, impure air were causes of the Black Death. They believed that latrine vapors, windows with wax cloth, not sleeping on your back, and building fires were all ways to prevent getting the disease.
Although the plague devastated both Muslims and Christians, they responded differently. Gabrele de Mussis, in Document 4, writes that both Muslims and Christians thought that it was from god. However, the Muslims turned to God and the Christains turned away from god. Muslims thought it was a blessing and a test from God, the Christians thought it was a punishment for their sins and they have to repent to live (Document 9). In document 7, the author write how the Christans thought that it was the Jews fault that the plague was upon them so they started kill them.
These two religious groups got sick with the Black Death, around the same time, and thought it was from god. Nevertheless, Muslims and Christians responded differently. The Muslims embraced the illness, the Christians repelled it. If we ever have such a devastating problem like the Black Death in the future, society should consider the problem closely and not jump to conclusions.
In the Middle East the plague devastated many. In document 4, it states that when the Muslims were infected with the Black Death they thought that it was a gift and a blessing from god and that they should accept the gift. They were preached to and taught that it was a test from god and that if they endure it well then they will be blessed and exalted in heaven. The Muslims at first wanted some reasoning of why the plague was upon them. So they started to come up with ideas and explanations concerning the Black Death. In document 5, the author Michael Dols and Philip Ziegler, made a lists of such things. The Muslims thought that warm ovens, too many shooting stars, and sin could all be causes of the pandemic. Because of the plague, the Muslims fasted for three consecutive days. They all meet in the Great mosque and then spent a night there praying (document 9). The Muslims had a lot to deal with, however so did the Christians.
The plague also devastated the Europeans. In document three, it says that there were so many people dying all around them that they didn’t have enough time and people to give the deceased a proper burial. In result of this they had to dig a huge ditch and throw the dead into these ditches. Then when the ditch was filled with corpses they put dirt over them and called it good. In Document 2, it shows how much of a certain group died. The percent of monks and priests that died were 44%. That is almost half of them that died. The cause of this is because the Christians wanted the priests to give the dead their death rights. Because of this they were around the sick a lot so most of them got sick also and died. Then as for the monks, if one of them got sick they were all at risk. Monks live in monasteries where they are in close quarters with the rest of the monks, so you had a great chance of getting sick. The Christians in Europe also got scared and desperate; Document 5 it proves this statement. Michael Dols, the author, writes about some of the causes and preventions that they came up with. The Christians thought that excessive clothing, impure air were causes of the Black Death. They believed that latrine vapors, windows with wax cloth, not sleeping on your back, and building fires were all ways to prevent getting the disease.
Although the plague devastated both Muslims and Christians, they responded differently. Gabrele de Mussis, in Document 4, writes that both Muslims and Christians thought that it was from god. However, the Muslims turned to God and the Christains turned away from god. Muslims thought it was a blessing and a test from God, the Christians thought it was a punishment for their sins and they have to repent to live (Document 9). In document 7, the author write how the Christans thought that it was the Jews fault that the plague was upon them so they started kill them.
These two religious groups got sick with the Black Death, around the same time, and thought it was from god. Nevertheless, Muslims and Christians responded differently. The Muslims embraced the illness, the Christians repelled it. If we ever have such a devastating problem like the Black Death in the future, society should consider the problem closely and not jump to conclusions.
Patella Tendentious
Patella Tendentious is when a ligament between your knee cap and your tibia starts to have pain. You usually start noticing it when you are exercising or just after. Sometimes it becomes a nuisance. It starts getting in the way of your normal day routine.
Patella Tendentious it isn’t as serious as it sounds. It is a strain on your ligament in your knee. It is bad, but not as bad as it sounds. When you get patella tendentious you get a pain in your knee. Your knee will often swell up and become red. The swelling is trying to help with the pain. Swelling is your body’s way of a temporary relief. Some common causes of this are athletes who jump around a lot. Basketball players often get this condition. However, even though it is most common in people who run and jump, you can get it just from everyday life and not from sports, because it is an overuse injury.
Patella Tendentious is usually treated through RICE. Sometimes your doctor might refer you to physical therapy where they help you strengthen your muscles in your knee to prevent further damage. Your doctor might also give you a strap for you knee to relieve pressure on the tendon. To prevent such a condition you can strengthen your muscles in your legs. If they are strong they won’t put so much pressure on your knee. You can also stop if you have pain in your knee. Since this is an overuse injury, once you start having pain stop and go through the RICE process.
If you have patella tendentious then you should consider exercises to help you knee. You can use the exercise call the slant board squats. This exercise is when you “Place one foot on a bench behind you, and the heel of the other foot elevated on a 2-inch by 4-inch board or an angled board. Perform a slow squat, lowering yourself to the midpoint in five seconds, and return. Repeat for up to three sets of 15 repetitions on the afflicted knee” ( livestrong). You should feel this in your knee. It will hurt for a little bit because you need to strengthen that muscle. Another exercise is called ankle mobilizations. With this exercise you “Kneel on your right knee with your left foot in front. Place a stick perpendicular to the floor by your left little toe. Keeping your foot flat on the floor, push your knee to the outside of the stick until you can no longer keep your heel on the ground. Repeat up to 15 times before switching sides. Perform up to three sets on each ankle” (livestrong). You will also feel this in your knee for the same reason above. Another exercise is called the eccentric squats. With this exercise you bend your knees as if you were sitting in a chair so your thighs are parallel to the floor. Hold there for ten seconds then slowly come back up. Do 10 rep of this exercise. Again you will feel this in your knee for the same reason above.
Patella Tendentious is not fun to have. If you want to avoid having it I would suggest doing the squats. Even though I told you to use it for rehabilitation, you can also use it for prevention. If you do these before or after you are preventing this condition. Your tendon will be strengthened and you will have decreased your chance for having this condition. I am not saying you are guaranteed to not have it; just it is a good way to prevent it.
March 20, 2012
Potatoes are such a wonderful discovery. I mean potatoes go with almost everything and there are so many ways you could cook potatoes and eat them too. There are mashed potatoes and baked potatoes. You could also cut them and bake them into homemade French fries. Homemade French fries are they best kind of fries out there. They are better than McDonald’s French fries or Arby’s French fries, just about any kind of French fries out there. There are so easy to make and so much less expensive. You could buy half the fries you could make for the same price. So in the long run you are making twice as many French fries as you bought at a local fast food place. Potatoes are just a wonderful discovery that anyone could ever have made.
Now along with the wonderful discovery of potatoes, there is another amazing invention slash discovery. This discovery is called popcorn. Popcorn is also the one of the most amazing thing ever since life spread. You can do so much with popcorn. You can decorate a tree with popcorn. Sting them onto a string and then string the stringed popcorn on to the tree. It adds so much to the decoration of the tree. Then you can have movie theater popcorn or homemade popcorn. The best kind of homemade popcorn is air popped popcorn. You can also make caramel popcorn. Caramel popcorn is just amazing. Another kind of amazing popcorn is cheese popcorn. There is this kind of powder cheese that you can buy and put it on it. Cheese popcorn is a very yummy treat at movies.

Sweet Banana Splits
Egyptian; Candie's
Chaste marshmellows
Autumn's shaved ice
French vanilla cream
Covered with, German
Soft milk chocolate's...
Virgin Italian cherries
Soaked; coconut rum
English pineapple bits
Melting in our mouths
Swirling intoxications...
Asian strawberries
Spanish caramel
Candie's; African mints
In, Autumn's native cream...
...Sweet banana splits *
Then here is one about potatoes.
Potatoes, potatoes
So tasty, so small
Turn them into chips
And make them warm.
Potato. Potato, lovely and round,
You come out of the ground.
Peel off the rot, and put it in the pot.
Go to a seat, and get ready to eat.
If they are made precise,
They should be nice.
March 11, 2012
Meat is one of the food groups that you need. However, some people don’t like a lot of meat. For example I don’t like most of the meat that is out there in the world. I don’t like any kind of sea food so that clears up fish, sushi, shark, octopus, shrimp ect. Meat with a lot of fat on it is just gross. Why would you buy something that you would have to alter which in the end having only half of the food left to eat?
I’m going to tell you a story about a time at school with their meat. So I used to be able to eat their meat without any problem. I even enjoyed eating it. Then one day I was eating lunch with one of my friends, Erin, and she said that she had a run in with the school’s meat. She said that she found something of a bone. Erin wasn’t quite sure but all she knew was that it was hard and pinkish white. Since then I started finding those in my meat. I have never eaten the school’s meat since then. Now she and I, mostly me, dissect the meat. We always find those mystery bone things in there every time. So we started to call the meat at school the mystery meat.
Now done with the story I will now tell you guys why I don’t like a lot of meat. I don’t like chicken very much anymore because one time I found a huge bluish purple vein in the chicken. I bit into the chicken not knowing it was there. So I looked at the chicken to get another piece and that’s when I found that there was a vein sticking out of the chicken and that I had eaten a little bit of the vein. Now I only eat chicken after looking at each piece closely. But since that is very tiring to do, I rarely eat chicken anymore.
I don’t like steak either. I don’t see why someone would spend a lot of money on a piece of meat and only eating a fourth of it. There is so much fat that is on there you spend more time getting the fat off than eating the meat. That and that I just simply don’t like steak is why I don’t eat it.
I don’t like sausage very much either. It depends on the day if I will eat it or not. Sometimes I will eat just a little and other times I won’t even consider it. I think that sausage just tastes like rubber. It could bounce on the floor.
I don’t like bacon a lot either. I know you are probably think what does she like. Well I will tell you later. Well bacon I don’t mind eating if it is cooked right. It has to be almost burn to be ok to eat, because I don’t like having all the fat on there and tasting it.
The only kind of meat that I love is hamburger. I don’t know why but it just is the perfect kind of meat.
March 4, 2012
High school
High school is going to be a big change for me. I am excited and nervous for this change. Last week I went and talked to the counselors at Davis for my classes. However, first of all I was very lucky to be able to get to go to Davis. I am in Layton high’s boundaries, so I put in a variance. Some of my mom’s friends that work there told us that there was a lot of variances and that they were only taking a handful of variances. My mom and I got nervous that I would not be able to get in. The main reason that I wanted to get in was for their marching band there. Ok so a couple weeks later we got a letter in the mail that said that I was accepted into Davis High School. I was so happy that it wasn’t even funny. Well I guess it was. Back to the counselors, so with them I picked out my schedule and classes that I wanted.
One of the classes I picked was Chemistry honors. I am really nervous about this class. I do not do well with chemistry. My mom said that it will prepare me well for later science classes. My brother loves chemistry so he will be able to help me with the class. Although, next year if I need help with my other classes he won’t be able to help me, because, he will be on his mission.
My other class is AP world history. This is my class that is going to give me the most stress in my life.
Next I have English 10 Honors. I am not too worried about this class. I do pretty well in English, even though it is my least favorite class.
Then I have algebra 2 honors. I am not too worried about this class either. I do fairly well in here too. So if I have problems I have people that will be able to help me with it. I think that this will be a fun class.
Next I have band. This will be my best class because I will be able to play my sax and just have fun. I am though, not looking forward to all the tests that I will have to take. For instance the scales test and what not.
Then I have seminary. I think seminary will be another fun class and I will enjoy it a lot. I have enjoyed seminary this year in the 9th grade, so I think I will like it next year. But we will just have to see.
Spanish 4, an interesting class. I have done ok with Spanish 3. However, I have always had the same teacher all three years that I have taken Spanish. So we will just have to see how it goes.
Then I had the health class for 10th grade. I am looking forward to this class because they subjected it for what I want to go into.
I think that high school will be fun new experience. I can’t wait for it to be here.
February 26, 2012
Stress is a huge thing in my life. I hate stress. It is unnecessary and it just makes your life miserable. This week has been particularly stressful. I have honors English to catch up with; I have a lot of unfinished homework. I have Spanish plays to perfect. It has just been a crazy week. My family has been sick these couple weeks so that just adds to the mess. Oh I just want all this to go away. I hate it when life has to be like this. But I guess since everything happens for a reason it just has to be this way.
So Honors English, what a wonderful topic. I have been forgetting to read Great Expectations. So I am really behind on the book. Then I had to skip a church thing tonight in order to get this blog done. Since it takes me an hour, or so, to get the blog done. Most of the time is trying to figure out what I am going to write about. I am struggling each week with coming up with ideas and topics on which to write about. Then I get an idea in my head then it ends up not being what I thought it was, and being lost on what to write. Then I sit there trying to come up with ideas, and I feel like I am wasting time just sitting there.
Then with all of my homework I still have to do. I have a whole bunch of math that I have barley started. Then I have Spanish lines to get down solid. Then I have been sick these past two weeks so I haven’t been able to practice my saxophone for band. So I have a bad grade in there right now. Then in science, that class is just stressful all by its self. He assigns a lot of homework and reading. Which I have no time for by the way.
Then I am doing classes online on EHS. I have a goal to be done with computer tec by middle of next month. But I have to do 5 assignments a week in order to meet that goal. Then while I’m doing computer tec I have to do fit for life online also. That class is going to be hard to find time to go exercise when I can’t even find time to read a book, let alone listen to a book.
Can I just say that I want summer to come very quickly? Because once it does, I won’t have school to worry about. I will have my online classes done. All I have in the summer is marching band and work. I won’t have to worry about anything but having fun. Once summer is here then I will have a life again and have a fun life at that.
So as you can see I complain a lot when I am stressed out. I just want to get everything done at once and I end up not having any time to do those things, so I get stressed out and it’s just a big mess. I hope things get better soon…
February 21, 2012
weekend madness!
Ok so I know that this post is really late, and I’m sorry about that. I have had a crazy weekend. However, it was a very fun one. So on Friday I had some friends over to have a party and to show my house to them. I have wanted to have them over for some time but my brother had friends over whenever I wanted to have my friends over. So I had to keep waiting for a weekend when they could come over. Then when I had a weekend planned, no one could come so I had to put it off till the next week. Then finally on Friday I had them over. It was a BLAST! I had about 6 friends come over so it was a full house. I had baked a pan full of brownies for that night, my mom had bought a 6 lb. bag of gummy bears, and she had bought 3 lts. of pop. The snacks where yummy and they were almost gone by the end of the night. Then Mallory Lunsford brought Despicable Me to watch. That was a funny movie, I love it. Then after the movie we played sardines. We turned off all of the lights and we picked two people to hid them we counted. We played this several rounds till we decided to play just hid and go seek. We played that for ages until everyone had to go back home. They came over for 4 hours of fun.
Then on Saturday I went dress shopping. I was invited to a quinsenyetta so I had to have a fancier dress than I had to wear. So we went everywhere and we couldn’t find one. So we went back home empty handed. Then later that night we had a family friend, who is an electrician, come over and put in the intercom system. When they came over they finished the intercom system except for the main one. We still had the order in the mail and it hadn’t come yet. So they started on the security system. That took up the rest of the night and still has more to do.
Then on Sunday we went to church, came home, cleaned the house, and made dinner. We were having some family friends coming over to have dinner with us. So we worked and worked. They arrived and had dinner. My parents had to go to a meeting so we entertained them until they got back home. Then we played Just Dance 2 on the wii. That was really, really, really fun. I was on a roll and winning until I got tired and started losing everyone. But oh well, it was really fun.
Then on Monday I got really desperate for a dress. So my sister took me to some more stores to find a dress. But every dress I tried on it was too short. Until I finially found one a Ross. I bought it and now I have a dress.
February 12, 2012
Super heroes are everyone’s best friend. Every kid when they are young has a super hero that they just love. When I was young my super hero was spider man and batman. Those two heroes were and still are my favorite super heroes. I loved how superman could fly and had all of the powers he possessed. Then when it came to Spiderman, I l loved how he could climb walls and shoot webs out of his hands.
Spider man has been in comic books, movies just about everything. I typed in the word spiderman in to google and it came up with a whole bunch of random articles. I thought this one article was pretty cool. So I decided to share it. So here it is. The injury-prone Broadway musical
"Spider-Man: Turn Off the Dark" has temporarily lost another cast member after the show's lead actress was hurt performing an onstage battle scene, according to a spokesman.
T.V. Carpio, who plays Arachne, will be out for two weeks, according to Rick Miramontez, a spokesman for the show. Miramontez said Carpio was injured March 16 while performing the scene with another actor. The spokesman did not say specifically how the cast member was injured.”
I thought that was pretty interesting. So I continued looking for more random articles about these awesome superheroes. Here is another article.
“In the thriller "Spider-Man" (hitting theaters on May 3), actress Mary Jane Watson (Kirsten Dunst) arrives in New York, eager to make it to the top. But dangling from the Queensboro Bridge, clad only in pink Cosabella PJs, wasn't exactly what she had in mind. Luckily, buff Spider-Man (Tobey Maguire) swoops in for the rescue.
"But Mary Jane is much tougher than the old damsel in distress," says Lisa Tomczeszyn, associate costume designer. "She's smart and strong-spirited." Although the former teen queen trades in high school combat boots for sleek Manolo Blahniks, Mary Jane's adult emotions are a tangled web. She's smitten with Spider-Man, but will she ever notice shy Peter Parker (the heroic arachnid, incognito), who has secretly loved her since grade school?”
“If "Spider-Man: Turn Off the Dark" can rise above devastating reviews and headline-grabbing injuries, much of the credit will go to director Philip William McKinley.
McKinley was hired four months ago to salvage the troubled show, which officially opens Tuesday evening.
"Well, they say I'm either the bravest or stupidest man in New York," McKinley said.
As stuntmen flew overhead before an afternoon matinee preview, McKinley says he took the job in large part because of the commitment of the show's team.”
“In the thriller "Spider-Man" (hitting theaters on May 3), actress Mary Jane Watson (Kirsten Dunst) arrives in New York, eager to make it to the top. But dangling from the Queensboro Bridge, clad only in pink Cosabella PJs, wasn't exactly what she had in mind. Luckily, buff Spider-Man (Tobey Maguire) swoops in for the rescue.
"But Mary Jane is much tougher than the old damsel in distress," says Lisa Tomczeszyn, associate costume designer. "She's smart and strong-spirited." Although the former teen queen trades in high school combat boots for sleek Manolo Blahniks, Mary Jane's adult emotions are a tangled web. She's smitten with Spider-Man, but will she ever notice shy Peter Parker (the heroic arachnid, incognito), who has secretly loved her since grade school?”
“The summer movie season gets off to a literally swinging start with "Spider-Man." Not since 1978's "Superman" has there been a live-action, comic book-based film so savvy at mixing self-aware camp with sincere emotion, and so successful at establishing the normal guy life of its spandexed protagonist. "Spider-Man"'s web loses tension, though, later on when its hooded hero concentrates on battling evil, becoming another bombastic, special-effects-laden spectacle”
Can I just say that Spiderman is my favorite superhero ever? He even better than my other favorite superhero, batman.
Spider man has been in comic books, movies just about everything. I typed in the word spiderman in to google and it came up with a whole bunch of random articles. I thought this one article was pretty cool. So I decided to share it. So here it is. The injury-prone Broadway musical
"Spider-Man: Turn Off the Dark" has temporarily lost another cast member after the show's lead actress was hurt performing an onstage battle scene, according to a spokesman.
T.V. Carpio, who plays Arachne, will be out for two weeks, according to Rick Miramontez, a spokesman for the show. Miramontez said Carpio was injured March 16 while performing the scene with another actor. The spokesman did not say specifically how the cast member was injured.”
I thought that was pretty interesting. So I continued looking for more random articles about these awesome superheroes. Here is another article.
“In the thriller "Spider-Man" (hitting theaters on May 3), actress Mary Jane Watson (Kirsten Dunst) arrives in New York, eager to make it to the top. But dangling from the Queensboro Bridge, clad only in pink Cosabella PJs, wasn't exactly what she had in mind. Luckily, buff Spider-Man (Tobey Maguire) swoops in for the rescue.
"But Mary Jane is much tougher than the old damsel in distress," says Lisa Tomczeszyn, associate costume designer. "She's smart and strong-spirited." Although the former teen queen trades in high school combat boots for sleek Manolo Blahniks, Mary Jane's adult emotions are a tangled web. She's smitten with Spider-Man, but will she ever notice shy Peter Parker (the heroic arachnid, incognito), who has secretly loved her since grade school?”
“If "Spider-Man: Turn Off the Dark" can rise above devastating reviews and headline-grabbing injuries, much of the credit will go to director Philip William McKinley.
McKinley was hired four months ago to salvage the troubled show, which officially opens Tuesday evening.
"Well, they say I'm either the bravest or stupidest man in New York," McKinley said.
As stuntmen flew overhead before an afternoon matinee preview, McKinley says he took the job in large part because of the commitment of the show's team.”
“In the thriller "Spider-Man" (hitting theaters on May 3), actress Mary Jane Watson (Kirsten Dunst) arrives in New York, eager to make it to the top. But dangling from the Queensboro Bridge, clad only in pink Cosabella PJs, wasn't exactly what she had in mind. Luckily, buff Spider-Man (Tobey Maguire) swoops in for the rescue.
"But Mary Jane is much tougher than the old damsel in distress," says Lisa Tomczeszyn, associate costume designer. "She's smart and strong-spirited." Although the former teen queen trades in high school combat boots for sleek Manolo Blahniks, Mary Jane's adult emotions are a tangled web. She's smitten with Spider-Man, but will she ever notice shy Peter Parker (the heroic arachnid, incognito), who has secretly loved her since grade school?”
“The summer movie season gets off to a literally swinging start with "Spider-Man." Not since 1978's "Superman" has there been a live-action, comic book-based film so savvy at mixing self-aware camp with sincere emotion, and so successful at establishing the normal guy life of its spandexed protagonist. "Spider-Man"'s web loses tension, though, later on when its hooded hero concentrates on battling evil, becoming another bombastic, special-effects-laden spectacle”
Can I just say that Spiderman is my favorite superhero ever? He even better than my other favorite superhero, batman.
February 5, 2012
Super Bowl 46 2012
So the 46th Super Bowl was today and we were talking as a family on how much money, time, energy, and everything else spent on this one football game. It’s insane. People go all out for this game. They will buy shirts, hats, hands, jerseys, sweats; you name it they probably bought it. They will paint their faces the color of the team to show how much they love them. They will buy all of this food to eat for the game.
Sure my family watches the game but we are not insane about it. We pick a team to root for, but we don’t jump up and down screaming about the game. We just sit and talk as a family and hardly watch it. I don’t know how people could be that devoted to a football game. There are more important things than a football game in life. For my family, the game is a time to be together as a family and have fun. We don’t treat this game as a life or death situation.
For the half time show, they went all out. They had dancers and lights everywhere, singers, and so many things that I don’t even know where to start. They spend so much money for about 30 minutes in one day of amusement and entertainment. They should spend all that money on something that is worthwhile.
My favorite part about the super bowl is the commercials. I just love to watch them. They are probably better than the game it’s self. They desperately want you to buy their product, that it’s not even funny how bad it is. They try so hard, but in the long run all they do is give you a great conversation starter. Like, “hey did you see that Doritos commercial with the baby?” See a great conversation starter when you don’t have anything to talk about. Personally that is my favorite part of the whole day. Not watching the game but watching the commercials that come with the game.
· So I looked up some facts that go with the Super Bowl. The stadium is called the Lucas Oil stadium and can hold about 70,000 people.
· It’s the second most watched sports event in the world.
· One 30-second super bowl commercial costs about 2,800,000 dollars.
· The Super Bowl trophy is called the Vince Lombardi Trophy.
· 8 million pounds of guacamole is consumed on Super Bowl day.
· 14,500 tons of chips are eaten along with that guacamole.
· 35% of people who attend the game write it off as a corporate expense.
· The average number of people at a super bowl party is 17.
· Budweiser has been the exclusive Super Bowl beer advertiser for the past 13 years.
As you can see the Super Bowl is a big thing for some people and for others it’s just another day. The Super bowl is expensive and time consuming. But hey that’s the world for ya.
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